Athanasios Laliotis


Office: L307, Campus Villetaneuse

Research group website
Laboratory website

My research background:

Athanasios Laliotis is associate professor at Sorbonne Paris Nord University, specializing in atomic physics and laser spectroscopy. His research focuses on fundamental experimental tests of quantum electrodynamics, with particular emphasis on Casimir-Polder interactions between polarizable quantum particles and macroscopic surfaces. He is also interested in the use of highly excited atoms (Rydberg) as quantum sensors to study the resonant properties of materials and metamaterials. His experimental work is based mainly on the use of atomic and molecular gases.

Athanasios heads the SAI group and is Deputy Director of the Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers. He is involved in several consortia on quantum technologies, including PCQT, QuanTech@Paris and co-organized the Hot Vapor Workshop in 2024 in Stuttgart ( He has published numerous scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals and presented his work at numerous invited conferences. He also maintains an extensive network of collaborations in Europe, Asia and the Americas.

Athanasios graduated in Physics from the University of Athens in 1998, followed by a Masters at Princeton University in 2000. He then undertook a PhD at Imperial College London (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering), specializing in integrated optics and in particular erbium-doped amplifying waveguides integrated on silicon chips. Subsequently, he carried out post-doctoral research at Imperial College London’s Department of Physics, under the supervision of Ed Hinds, where he worked on atom-chip cooling by developing pyramidal magneto-optical traps.

Courses taught:

  • Physique Quantique 3 : Qbits
  • Physique pour les Technologies Quantiques 3 : Photonique pour les technologies quantiques

Research themes:

  • Casimir-Polder interactions
  • Laser spectroscopy
  • Rydberg atoms

A few selected articles

  • Guadalupe Garcia Arellano, Joao Carlos de Aquino Carvalho, Hippolyte Mouhanna, Esther Butery, Thierry Billeton, Frederic Du-Burck, Benoit Darquié, Isabelle Maurin, and Athanasios Laliotis, «Probing molecules in gas cells of subwavelength thickness with high frequency resolution», Nat. Commun. 15, 1862 (2024).
    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-45830-x
  • J. C. de Aquino Carvalho, I. Maurin, P. Chaves de Souza Segundo, A. Laliotis, D. de Sousa Meneses, and D. Bloch, «Spectrally Sharp Near-Field Thermal Emission: Revealing Some Disagreements between a Casimir-Polder Sensor and Predictions from Far-Field Emittance», Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 143801 (2023).
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.143801