
Students acquire experimental and theoretical physics skills to be able to work on the various quantum platforms:

  • technical skills in the measurement chain (from the sensor to the processing of the measured signal), enabling them to be operational as soon as they graduate
  • theoretical skills in quantum physics, enabling them to understand the physical systems they will be working on
  • mixed skills concerning the various platforms/experiments in the field (photonics, optics, superconductors, atomic physics, etc.).

Students acquire experimental know-how through a wide range of practical work (200h) and projects (90h), to be carried out on their own (to gain autonomy), or as part of a team (to develop collaborative work skills).
They also acquire programming and scientific communication skills.

Scientific courses are divided into three blocks of UEs, corresponding to the skills targeted.
The Quantum Physics courses, specific to the TechQ master’s program, provide an introduction to quantum physics over the first three semesters.
The Physics of the Measurement Chain courses are partly shared with the Engineering for Instrumentation courses at SupGalilée, the Institut Galilée’s engineering school.
The Physics for Quantum Technologies courses are offered every semester, and are partly shared in M1 with the Master in Materials Science and Engineering and the Telecom Engineering school at SupGalilée’s .
Students take English and Expression and Communication Techniques during the first three semesters, which are shared with all students enrolled in the Institut Galilée Master’s program.

An internship (2 months) is offered at the end of the first year.
The second year ends with a minimum 4-month internship starting in March.


Download the program of courses of the Master TechQ :

Year 1
Semester 1
General Knowledge 1


Expression and Communication Techniques

Quantum Physics 1

Lumière et matière en physique quantique

Équation de Schrödinger

Physics of the Measurement Chain 1

Électronique Analogique

Électronique Numérique – FPGA

Langages C et Python

Physics for Quantum Technologies 1

Introduction aux Nanotechnologies et à la Micromécanique

Harmonisation électromagnétique/optique OU harmonisation microcontrôleurs

Semester 2
General Knowledge 2


Expression and Communication Techniques

Quantum Physics 2

Formalisme de la physique quantique

Oscillateur harmonique – Moments cinétiques

Physics of the Measurement Chain 2

Signal et bruit



Projet électronique avec Python

Physics for Quantum Technologies 2

Propriétés électroniques des Matériaux

Lignes, guides, fibres

Year 2
Semester 3
General Knowledge 3


Expression and Communication Techniques

Quantum Physics 3


Optique quantique

Physics of the Measurement Chain 3

Systèmes asservis

Chaîne de mesure quantique

Projet Électronique / Optique (Python / C)

Physics for Quantum Technologies 3

Photonique pour les technologies quantiques

Diffraction, imagerie, lasers, optique gaussienne

Technologies quantiques et Applications

Semester 4
Physics for Quantum Technologies 4

Physique atomique et moléculaire

Techniques du vide, cryogénie


Stage en entreprise ou laboratoire (4 mois minimum)