My research background:
I completed my thesis at the Kastler-Brossel laboratory (Sorbonne University) under the supervision of Alberto Bramati (2011-2014), on the study of fluorescence from colloidal nanocrystal quantum boxes. The aim was to explore the potential of these light sources in quantum optics, particularly as single-photon sources.
From 2015 to 2017, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the “Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light” (Erlangen, Germany), in the “Quantum Radiation” team led by Maria Chekhova. There I studied Bright Squeezed Vacuum (BSV), a quantum state of light that can consist of a large number of photons, and has quantum properties including quantum correlations and reduced electromagnetic field noise compared with a classical state of light. I have demonstrated the interest of this state of light in precision interferometry.
Since October 2017, I have joined the Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers (LPL, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord/USPN) for a second postdoctorate in the MMTF team under the direction of Benoît Darquié and Anne Amy-Klein. There, I developed ultra-high resolution rovibrational spectroscopy techniques for the study of complex molecules. In 2020, I continued this research as an associate professor at USPN.
Courses taught:
- Physique de la Chaîne de Mesure 2 : Signal et bruit
- Physique Quantique 3 : Optique quantique
- Physique de la Chaîne de Mesure 3 : Chaîne de mesure quantique
- Physique pour les Technologies Quantiques 4 : Techniques du vide, cryogénie
Research themes:
- Frequency metrology
- Molecular rotational spectroscopy
- Microwave rotational spectroscopy
- Mid-infrared photonics
- Cold molecules

A few selected articles
- D. B. A. Tran, O. Lopez, M. Manceau, A. Goncharov, M. Abgrall, H. Alvarez-Martinez, R. Le Targat, E. Cantin, P.-E. Pottie, A. Amy-Klein, and B. Darquié, «Near- to mid-IR spectral purity transfer with a tunable frequency comb: Methanol frequency metrology over a 1.4 GHz span», APL Photonics 9, 030801 (2024).
DOI: 10.1063/5.0170227- Mathieu Manceau, Kirill Yu. Spasibko, Gerd Leuchs, Radim Filip, and Maria V. Chekhova, «Indefinite-Mean Pareto Photon Distribution from Amplified Quantum Noise», Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 123606 (2019).
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.123606